Tuesday, September 21, 2004

MTV Deadlines and Submission

Deadline for MTVs will be on September 29, 2004.

Please follow the previous guidelines I have posted. For your editing ease, take note of this effective process of editing MTV:

(1) select your OPM song
(2) get the lyrics from the net
(3) plot your lyrics using the TEXT generator of Final Cut Pro
(4) save your texts by dragging each line to the browser
(5) be sure to have a BIN for your text
(6) convert your CDA or MP3 song to AIFF using iTunes
(7) import AIFF song to Final Cut Pro
(8) plot your AIFF in the Timeline
(9) drag your texts to Timeline (most probably Track V3 ot V4)
(10) synch your audio with the text; use slide/slip items or ripple/roll edits
(11) decide your shoot plot:

(a) narrative? or just plain lip synch?
(b) talent
(c) reserve camera and tripod/ lights and blue wall
(d) props (most probaly primary color clothing/ microphone for lip synch)
(e) cd player (for lip synch)

Use at least 10 video filters, effects including the Blue/Green screen. Optical transitions are also allowed in the edits. Please read the handouts I gave to the beadle for the effects.